1. We play by the rules.

We are involved with many laws, rules and regulations in many different countries. We learn what is expected of us and do what is right.​

2. We keep an honest score.

Our business records are accurate and complete and honestly reflect the condition of our businesses.

3. We treat people with dignity.

We recognize that our co-workers, customers, suppliers and neighbors are entitled to the fair treatment we expect for ourselves.

4. We focus on quality and expect those we deal with to do the same.

We have a long history of providing quality products that meet the needs of our customers in innovative ways. We expect our suppliers and contractors to do the same.

5. We are honorable competitors.

We outperform our competitors and do not resort to unethical or illegal trade practices.

6. We do not tolerate harassment or discrimination in the workplace.

We treat people as we expect to be treated and we value the diverse cultures in which we work.

7. We do not compete with the Company.

We avoid situations where an actual or apparent personal interest might compromise our ability to act in the Company’s best interest. We do not use our position with the Company to obtain improper benefits for ourselves or others.

8. We protect the safety and health of our employees, our customers and our neighbors.

We long ago established a comprehensive safety program to protect our employees at work and to encourage them to focus on safety away from work.

We operate in full compliance with the environmental laws in effect in the various locations in which we do business.

9. We protect the Company’s assets.

We take good care of the tools provided to us whether they are cranes, testing meters, hand tools or computers.

We are sensitive to the need to preserve the confidentiality of the Company and its customers’ and suppliers’ trade secrets and other confidential information.

10. We do not offer or accept improper gifts or entertainment, and we do not pay bribes or kickbacks.

Reporting Ethical, Legal, or Financial Integrity Concerns

Any person may openly or anonymously report any ethical concern or questions or any potential or actual legal or financial violation, including any fraud, accounting, auditing, tax or record-keeping matter to the Chief Financial Officer. For reports that are not made anonymously, confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible while permitting an appropriate investigation.

Regular Mail: Spang & Company
                       Ethics Mailbox
                       110 Delta Drive
                       Pittsburgh, PA 15238

Email: ethicsmailbox@spang.com

Telephone Ethics Helpline: +1-412-963-5597